I am going to Greece! Yes. Greece.

Many many years ago, a vivid dream came to me - I was walking a rocky ledge up a dusty mountain in Greece. At the top, rows and rows of tables, spread with luscious vegetables: fat, juicy tomatoes, olives soaking in their oil, chunks of cheese. And behind the tables, women in drab clothing with hearty smiles.
That was the beginning of my quest. A few years back, I put "Go to Greece" on my long range to do list. The designated year came and I'd not fulfilled my goal. Then, the other night, my friend of 30 years calls. She's bought a time share. She can travel all over the world with lodging awaiting her. She wants to go to Greece in April 2008. She knows to call me.

How lucky you are, Greece sounds beautiful. I live close-by but I have never been there, maybe one day, one never knows,
I have visited greece and it was the most beautiful place!I spent there the best two weeks of my life and I would really like to go back there some day.
Wow! I want to go there soooo badly! I might be able to stay there for a student exchange program. 1 year in Greece would be sooo amazing. When you come back can you please e-mail and tell me ALL about it! The cultures, all the pictures, what the people were like EVERYTHING!. that would be amazing. meganj2012@yahoo.com!!
Hey guys! I saw this picture in google and i clicked it and here i am on your blog! I am Greek and all I can tell you is that Greece is a wonderful place! I go there every summer :)
I know how you feel. I am going to Greece in April. My neice has gone several times and has told me that I needed to go. This is it!
Greece is a fantastic country. I've been so many times that I've lost count, and it never fails to show me something different and special.
If you can, try getting on a ferry and visiting some of the lesser known islands. You'll never have a better time.
Hey! I have been to Greece ever since I was a baby. I go every other year! We have a beach house there right on the water! And a boat! Since I play sports, my uncle there has a sports shop, so I get all my equiptment there! Hope you enjoy it! I did alot!!! :-)
I love Greece, and you will too! I have visions of goats, stone passageways, feta, small churches and prayer, lovely museums, and the most amazing waters. The water, when you swim in it, it changes colors over your skin and the depth of the floor shifts. Truly an amazing experience. I am ready to go back!
I spent two week in Greece in July. Incredible....food...atmosphere...people...water...everything. Visit the ports/island...big and small. Enjoy it all! Take me back...please!
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